NSW JobSaver - Update on Reconfirmation of Eligibility

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DATE Published

After consultation, Service NSW have updated their website providing further guidance and clarification regarding the new requirement for businesses to reconfirm their eligibility for JobSaver each fortnight.

It is important to note that September payments will continue even if businesses do not reconfirm eligibility, however any payments after that will only be processed once eligibility is reconfirmed.

Information on the reconfirmation process is available here.

Choosing a comparison period

Service NSW have advised that if a business was closed during the fortnight for which you are reconfirming eligibility, you can indicate you have continued to experience a decline in turnover of at least 30% by simply selecting 'yes' on the confirmation screen. In this case you are not required to perform a calculation of decline in turnover.

However, if a business has continued to trade you must retest and continue to experience a 30% decline in turnover for the fortnight in order to be eligible for the JobSaver payment for that fortnight.

Businesses can demonstrate the decline in turnover using one of the following options:

Note: You need to use the same option each time you reconfirm your eligibility.

1.     If your initial comparison period was in 2019 or 2020

Using the same year as your initial assessment you can either:

A.     Compare against the corresponding fortnight in the comparison year as the current fortnight for which you are reconfirming your eligibility; or

B.     Use the same comparison period used in your initial application.

2.     If 12 June to 25 June 2021 was your initial comparison period

You must use the same comparison period as your initial application.

Delays in reconfirmation

It has been confirmed that businesses can delay reconfirmation if, for example, you need to finalise month-end accounting records and can reconfirm for multiple fortnights at the same time. Your MyServiceNSW Business Profile will show the fortnights for which reconfirmation is still required. However, post-September payments will only be processed once reconfirmation is completed.

Ineligible for a fortnight

Service NSW have advised that becoming ineligible for one fortnight does not disqualify a business from becoming eligible again in a future fortnight where they meet the eligibility conditions. You will not need to re-apply. You will be given the opportunity to declare eligibility every fortnight through email reminders.

Answers to other commonly asked questions are available here.

Please contact your local Boyce office if you require further assistance. 

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