Boyce are excited to announce Angela Smith as the 2020 Tony Quirk (TQ) Employee of Year

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Judging of the award took place on the 23 November 2021, with 5 outstanding finalists from each office in consideration:

  • Susan Walters - Cooma
  • Tracy Faichney - Dubbo
  • Tara Mills - Goulburn
  • Angela Smith - Moree
  • James Muir - Wagga   

Angela was selected as this year’s winner for her demonstrated genuine care for clients and the team, which was supported by some great client testimonials and her ingrained passion for agriculture and ability to apply this to her role at Boyce.

Working with a broad range of clients, from small farming partnerships and small businesses through to large scale farming operations, Angela is passionate about helping them make informed decisions.

The calibre of finalists was exceptional, and it was particularly exciting to see our team members being recognised by their peers for their contributions to the success of the Firm.

Partnering with generations to thrive.

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