In response to the general move towards electronic media, the Australian Tax Office (ATO) will progressively implement changes to communication methods as it transitions to electronic correspondence.
The ATO has begun the process to cease issuing paper business activity statements (BAS). If your business receives a paper BAS from the ATO and you lodge manually using this form, nothing will change for you at this time. However, the ATO has advised they will stop issuing paper forms once an electronic lodgement has occurred and in the future will stop issuing paper forms altogether.
What this means for you:
Please note that a single electronic lodgement will be enough to cease the issuance of paper activity statements.
The ATO will continue to send paper activity statements for the following forms which cannot currently be despatched electronically:
BAS timetable 2014/15:
The table below shows the quarterly activity statement generation dates throughout the 2015 financial year with general lodgement dates not subject to the agent’s extension.
Quarter | Period Covered | Planned generate date | Legislative due date |
1 | 1 Jul – 30 Sep | 14 Sep 2014 | 28 Oct 2014 |
2 | 1 Oct – 31 Dec | 30 Nov 2014 | 28 Feb 2015* |
3 | 1 Jan – 31 Mar | 15 Mar 2015 | 28 Apr 2015 |
4 | 1 Apr – 30 Jun | 14 Jun 2015 | 28 Jul 2015 |
* Where legislative due date falls on a weekend or public holiday, the due date is the next working day.
If you have any questions concerning the change to the ATO’s communication processes or would like assistance to register through the Business Portal, please contact your local Boyce Accountant.